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A search for 'Puncture Wounds' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Puncture Wounds (0)
    Original Title: Certain Justice, A
    Brian Jackson Harris, Justin Raines, Michael Wickstrom

38 matches in tracks
  1. Puncture Wounds (01:48)
    from Certain Justice, A
  2. Lucy in Bed/Bite Marks?/"3 Tiny Puncture Marks"/"I Remember Nothing"/Emergency (03:01)
    from Dracula: Dead And Loving It
  3. Old Wounds (02:20)
    from Vera
  4. Wounds (02:55)
    from Ispettore Coliandro: Il Giorno Del Lupo, L'
  5. Prayer Wounds (02:11)
    from Oscar And Lucinda
  6. Ishmael’s Wounds (02:02)
    from Age Of The Dragons
  7. Healing Wounds (01:53)
    from Spartacus: Blood And Sand
  8. Healing Wounds (01:53)
    from Spartacus: Gods Of The Arena
  9. Angel Wounds (01:18)
    from Saluda Al Diablo De Mi Parte
  10. Wounds of the Past (02:11)
    from Misunderstood
  11. Wounds of the Past (02:11)
    from Reunion
  12. Exodus Wounds (04:23)
    from War For The Planet Of The Apes
  13. Lucie’s Wounds (01:18)
    from Martyrs
  14. Lucie’s Wounds (01:18)
    from Martyrs
  15. Scars and Wounds (02:03)
    from Little Drummer Girl, The
  16. Prayer Wounds (00:00)
    from Oscar And Lucinda
  17. Some Wounds Can't Be Healed (00:00)
    from Witcher, The
  18. Denise's Wounds (02:24)
    from Hell And High Water
  19. Prayer Wounds (02:11)
    from Oscar And Lucinda
  20. Healing Wounds (01:13)
    from Gene Generation, The
Show all 38 matching tracks